While individual psychologist approaches vary somewhat, as a group our overriding goal is to identify the approach that will work best for you, and to offer that approach in a way that makes sense and feels right. We are interested in the development of emotional competence, and part of our assessment involves a needs analysis as to whether there are any strategy based approaches that might support coping. We are also able to offer more general supportive counselling services if you who would prefer a less structured approach.
Our therapy approaches for Individual Counselling:
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Suitable for both children and adults, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) is based on the premise that thinking (cognition), behaviour, emotions and physical reactions are interrelated. CBT often involves building new coping skills, as well as looking at thinking styles. The value in CBT has been extensively researched since it was first introduced in the mid-twentieth century, and it is an effective treatment for anxiety and depressive disorders.
Research demonstrates that CBT is equally as effective as medication for mild to moderate depression, and that adults are less likely to relapse after a course of CBT as compared with antidepressant medication. Skills based programs aimed at children (e.g., Friends for Life) are effective in treating anxiety and depression, and are also useful in preventing the development of emotional difficulties in at-risk children.
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing
Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a therapeutic approach used extensively in adjusting to trauma or other negative life events. The goal with EMDR is to completely eliminate trauma symptoms, rather than finding ways to cope with them.
It involves skill-based preparation using an approach such as CBT, followed by sessions aimed at reprocessing traumatic life events. EMDR can be an excellent treatment option when traumatic experiences have been prolonged or complex.
Clinical Hypnosis
Clinical hypnosis is an approach that can be used to enhance the effectiveness of other approaches, offering significant benefits in relaxation and targeted intervention using very focused attentional strategies. Hypnosis increases a sense of control both during therapy and with respect to increased confidence in applying new coping approaches.
Interpersonal Therapy
Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) is an effective treatment for Depression. It assumes that depressive symptoms are related to interpersonal difficulties in one or more of four areas: Role Transition, Grief, Interpersonal sensitivities, and Disputes. In IPT the therapist and client work together to resolve the problems in each relevant area, and outcome research indicates that this significantly reduces depressive symptoms.
Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT)
CFT draws on cognitive behaviour therapy, attachment theory, neuroscience and evolutionary psychology. It is founded on the idea that at times we will find ourselves thinking, behaving and feeling in ways that might not be that helpful but can be understood as reasonable responses given our evolution, history and current circumstances. CFT supports the development of skills and strategies to manage better when dealing with difficult emotions and behaviour, allowing us more awareness and choice in our responses.
More information can be found here: www.compassionatemind.co.uk
Schema Therapy
Schema Therapy is an approach designed to explore early childhood adverse experiences and unmet emotional needs. Those emotional needs are secure attachment, freedom to express valid needs and feelings, autonomy, spontaneity and play, and realistic limits and self-control. When these core needs are not met, individuals may have difficulties in their adult life to engage in healthy patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving in their relationships with others and within themselves. In Schema Therapy, clients will learn to address these unmet needs and engage in healthier patterns of living.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
ACT is a therapy that focuses on helping individuals develop greater psychological flexibility. It supports people to learn to accept the things we cannot control in life whilst committing to values-driven change. ACT draws on mindfulness-based techniques and can be an effective intervention for a range of mental health concerns, such as anxiety, depression, and stress.
“The compassionate mind is the mind that transforms.”
Grief and Loss
Self-esteem issues
Anger difficulties
Childhood trauma
Adjustment difficulties
School challenges